Local News.

Local People.

WBLQ Birthday Show

Each morning Monday through Saturday, we do The Birthday Show at 7:15 a.m. on WBLQ with one lucky person winning a prize pack including a soft-serve ice cream cake from Mel’s Downtown Creamery.

Listen and Win: Flight to Block Island

Listen mornings here on WBLQ and win a flight for two from our friends at New England Airlines


Listen and Win: The Tapped Apple

Listen to win a $25 gift card from Tapped Apple Winery. Two prizes given away each week.


Listen and Win: The Brazen Hen

$25 Gift Cards to The Brazen Hen up for grabs all week. Listen to Win on WBLQ


WBLQ provides live sports coverage throughout the year, including local high school football and basketball games. We’re also the Official Local Radio Station of the Worcester WooSox AAA baseball team.

Stay Connected With WBLQ

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(401) 322-9091


39 Canal Street

Westerly, RI